


这是一个必须听一集,我强烈推荐阅读瓦伦蒂娜Di Liscia优秀的文章,这是我们特殊的档案的一部分,总结案件的历史和更大的战斗到“自由Renty。”




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Hrag Vartanian:去年2021年,Hyperallergic我们发表了一份特殊的档案,关注塔玛拉尼尔检索的持续追求她的祖先来自哈佛大学的达盖尔照相术。这是一个不寻常的故事,有很大的影响,我们认为这很重要,所以我们做了一个播客详细说明我们所做的。让我们了解事情的来龙去脉。2019年3月,她在马萨诸塞州获得权利提起诉讼照片的收藏机构的皮博迪博物馆考古学和民族学,委托的路易斯•阿加西的优生学运动证明非洲人不如欧洲人。图像描绘她的祖先,Renty泰勒和他的女儿迪莉娅,是现存的最古老的一些奴隶的照片。“多年来,爸爸Renty奴隶主借鉴我们的痛苦,”尼尔在一份声明中说。“是时候哈佛停止做同样的我们的家庭。“由于新兴到了聚光灯下,一系列的反应来自不同社区看这种情况下。一些学者站在大学的家庭,而另一些人支持家庭的追求正义的回归图像。照片本身已经被艺术家使用,博物馆,由研究人员和组织,因为他们的重新发现在1970年代。 However, many of those same individuals and institutions have remained silent at the recent calls by Lanier and her family for their property rights. In March of last year, a Massachusetts superior judge ruled in Harvard’s favor and dismissed the lawsuit, but Lanier appealed and the arguments were heard at the Massachusetts Supreme Court on Monday, November 1, 2021. I’m Hrag Vartanian, the Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Hyperallergic. In this interview, I talked to Tamara Lanier via Zoom to learn more about her quest for justice, and she even discusses a meeting she had with some of the descendants of those who enslaved her ancestors. Let’s get started.


塔玛拉尼尔:我学会了达盖尔照相术的2010年,我母亲过世后不久。我最初答应我的母亲,我将文档的故事爸爸Renty和口述历史,而在这样做的过程中,我协助一位上了年纪的绅士,拥有一家冰淇淋店,和他做了最初的研究,发现了达盖尔照相术。当我回去看望他的冰淇淋店吃午餐,他还卖午餐,他给我打招呼,“你去哪儿了?我发现你的爸爸Renty在互联网上。我发现你的爸爸的形象Renty在互联网上。”我说,“是的,对。我的爸爸Renty做在互联网上是什么?“和富已经去世了。他已于去年去世。但我最感激的事情是当我最初和富有,我跟他爸爸Renty和他是谁和他的非洲descendancy,他来自非洲。当发现路易斯•阿加西的信息丰富,科学种族主义,这就是为什么富裕是如此确信这是我爸爸Renty。在他之前,其中一个资料员一直跟着我们能够得到讨论相机。 So it’s immortalized that initially, when I talked with Rich, I talked to him about an African-born man named Renty and I also shared with him who some of Renty’s children were. And Rich took that information and did the research and put together this incredible packet of information, not only about Papa Renty and some of his children, but also about Harvard and Louis Agassiz. And so that was the very first moment when I saw the daguerreotype, but I can tell you in my heart of hearts, when I looked at that image, I knew that was the Papa Renty that I had heard about for my entire life. Our eyes connected, and I knew immediately this was the man that so many generations of his children talked about.

Hrag Vartanian:我的意思是,这些照片是…我的意思是,他们很悲惨的照片。所以我想当你看到的他们,这给你更多了解他的故事吗?你的第一反应是什么?

塔玛拉尼尔:是的。这是真正的时刻。当我说,我的意思是,当时有太多的情绪,当我们的眼睛第一次见到。仿佛我们都盯着对方,我们的眼睛连接。在我的脑海里,我想我看到相似之处。我记住的故事。我想起我妈妈的事情会分享他是谁。但后来我也在同一时刻,来实现对捕获这个可怕的环境形象。所以,我很兴奋,我记得当时在想,“我的上帝,为什么我不能发现这些照片之前我妈妈了,这样她可以看到了吗?“然后我记得立即纠正自己。我的上帝,我妈妈看不见,知道这一点。 This would hurt her to her core. This would hurt her so terribly to know what had happened to the man that she spoke so fondly of for a generation. So there was mixed emotions. It was glad and sorry. I was extremely happy to finally see the man that I had heard so much about, but then just heartbroken at the circumstances of the capturing of these images.

Hrag Vartanian:我的意思是,我能理解。我的意思是,只是听你谈论它,我能感觉到的情感经验和遇到的,真的。


Hrag Vartanian:我非常印象深刻的一件事在一般这种毅力你似乎在这个问题上。这种清晰的感觉。我不知道,从哪里来,是什么激励你的专注和坚韧在这样的坦白地说困难的问题?

塔玛拉尼尔:它是。我希望每天都是更像我的母亲。我们有这样一个密切的关系。我们接近母亲和女儿,很难描述。在她生病期间,实际上在我的整个生命,我们花了…没有一个早上,她没有打电话叫醒我。没有一个晚上我们没有说晚安。当她生病时,从早上的第一件事,去她家里,确保一切安排,即使是刚刚起床的疗养院。所以她最近几年…这是一个爱的劳动。我很高兴,我是来提供所需的照顾她。我希望有更多的,我可以为她做。 And in all that I do and all that I am, she is so much more than that. And like I say, I aspire to be more like her every day. She was just a special person who had so much love for the world and everybody and everything in it, but she was also a fighter and she also believed in social justice and civil rights. She would often say she grew up in Montgomery, Alabama. She would call that the cradle of the Civil Rights Movement. She talks about the Montgomery bus boycott that her brother Renty participated in. You know, although she left the South, she never left the roots and who she was, and that was one of the things that she repeated like a mantra. “Always remember, you’re Taylors, not Thompsons. We’re African and Indian.” She would say things like that. And I really didn’t appreciate the value of that until later going back and doing the research and putting this amazing puzzle together. But it was all about remembering who we were, family values, and just leaving the world a better place than where we found it. That’s who she was, and like I said, if I could get close to the person that she was, I’d be really doing well.

Hrag Vartanian:是的,当然。她的名字是什么?

塔玛拉尼尔:她的名字叫Mattye, Mattye珍珠汤普森尼尔。

Hrag Vartanian:美丽。所以你提到的一件事,我听到你说这个时,你提到她弟弟的名字叫Renty。


Hrag Vartanian:这是著名的名字在你的家庭吗?


Hrag Vartanian:哇。


Hrag Vartanian:这是难以置信的。我的意思是,我现在撕毁因为它…它只是因为想清楚他有这样一个对周围人产生巨大影响。


Hrag Vartanian:所以我想知道,是你的母亲对Renty首先告诉你,如果是这样,她告诉你什么了?


Hrag Vartanian:它是非法的,对吧?它是非法的,对吗?

塔玛拉尼尔:绝对是非法的。除此之外,他不仅学习阅读,但他是教别人,他会教圣经的教训,他读圣经的人。所以我的母亲受人尊敬的。我记得我的母亲在这一点上是在养老院是一个星期六的下午,和往常一样,当我们坐在我们的停机时间和独处时间,她会从非洲黑人开始,爸爸Renty,她开始讲这些故事。我们有这本书。我妈妈记得看到一代一代的传下来的书。她不知道变成了什么。她认为这是剩下的兄弟,Renty,谁还在阿拉巴马州。但我碰巧有我的笔记本电脑和我那天下午我用谷歌搜索了诺亚·韦伯斯特拼字和我拉起来,我说,“这是这本书吗?”她说,“就是这样。这就是小蓝书。” And so what I ended up doing, lo and behold, the Noah Webster house is not far from my home, so I traveled to West Hartford where Noah Webster’s house is being memorialized and it’s somewhat of a museum, and I picked up a copy of the book. And I’ve actually looked at the book, and the one thing that stood out to me is something my mom would always say. “If you don’t know how to read, it’s not easy to teach yourself.” So looking at this small book, I don’t know … And granted, I’d like to consider myself educated, but I know that I would have trouble teaching myself to read from that book. So I thought about just the impossibility of someone accessing that book, and under the threat of God knows what because it was illegal. They could be killed. They could be tortured just by being found to be in possession of that book. And that he took the time to read, to teach himself to read, to read to others and teach others, it kind of speaks to the amazing man that my mom and so many talked about.

Hrag Vartanian:真正的。我的意思是,我想在这些条件下,我肯定他说另一种语言,如果没有很多语言。


Hrag Vartanian:来自非洲。


Hrag Vartanian:,然后自学阅读最不可能的情况下,即使有书是非法的,然后教别人。我的意思是,你为什么认为他这么做吗?[有]任何洞察力的故事你听说的继电器有点自己的性格?


Hrag Vartanian:哦,太棒了。


Hrag Vartanian:先说清楚,说清楚,这是绅士,是种植园主人或奴隶所有者的时候爸爸Renty ?


Hrag Vartanian:好吧。对不起。去做吧。


Hrag Vartanian:哇。


Hrag Vartanian:这是一个很多。


Hrag Vartanian:等等,什么?


Hrag Vartanian:但是为什么呢?这没有意义吗?为什么是这样?


Hrag Vartanian:正确的。


Hrag Vartanian:非常。我的意思是,有很多解包。


Hrag Vartanian:那么那位先生仍然住在同一个家里或拥有相同的属性,他的祖先呢?


Hrag Vartanian:我的意思是,我不得不说,回到坚韧,我的意思是,给我留下了深刻的印象。我想我会一直充满愤怒如果我发现我的祖先的家具。我的意思是,我现在在你敬畏的想…


Hrag Vartanian:甚至有一个绅士对我说,我可能会很生气,我猜。


Hrag Vartanian:他同意了吗?

塔玛拉尼尔:他什么也没说。所以我认为他感觉…我不知道。我觉得,我从我们的谈话是对他很重要,我看到他人文主义的方式,在一个人类的方式,以人道的方式,和他们的家庭在一个人道的方式,他们所做的这些事情的奴隶。他谈到了一个女人…实际上,他给了我一些他的作品,因为他是在一些回忆录手稿或泰勒家族奴役女人,他们叫她妈Letti,我记得当他不停地说妈Letti,我记得思考,“我甚至怀疑这一代,泰来斯叫爸爸Renty,爸爸Renty”因为这就是我的家人。爸爸Renty。妈妈奥菲莉娅。这就是我们指的长老。当他谈论妈妈Letti和每个人都打电话给她,我觉得这对我来说是一种验证,他们可能叫爸爸Renty“爸爸,”。但是他说过喜欢他们的奴隶,一个奴隶,桑丘·汤普森,特别是,他们埋在泰勒的家庭情节,这是一个神奇的东西。但有一个我的一部分,当我经历的,我永远不会忘记的一件事,当我向下奴隶索引,是整理我的家人在牛和猪和骡子。 I mean, you’ll go through names of slaves and then you’re dealing with livestock and chattel and then back to slave names, and it’s such a dehumanizing experience for me to read that, let alone for those who lived it.

Hrag Vartanian:绝对的。


Hrag Vartanian:绝对的。现在,他意识到这张照片,或者这些照片?


Hrag Vartanian:好吧。


Hrag Vartanian:正确的。


Hrag Vartanian:所以他不…是的。对不起。去做吧。


Hrag Vartanian:正确的。泰米,我不能克服。的想法让人坐在椅子上,他们被奴役的祖先是一个非常复杂的事情,我不得不说,我发现非常混乱。


Hrag Vartanian:关于这个。所以你认为多少是为了免除自己或免除自己呢?因为你提到了内疚,但…


Hrag Vartanian:当然,他说的是慷慨,是基于从奴役中获利的人,所以我假设他们的家庭仍然是相当富有。那是你的印象吗?

塔玛拉尼尔:我不知道。我没有得到的印象。我知道在和家人聊天,特别是他的一些儿童和家庭成员,他们不知道。我记得有一次思考,“我告诉你更多关于你比你知道的高曾祖父。这应该是反过来的。你应该告诉我。“我是说不时很新。他们没有意识到。我想…我还在整个年达到回泰勒博士的女儿,我有一个很棒的访问与我们保持联系,我经常问她,因为一些媒体想跟她说话,所以她在公共场合讲话的不舒服。你知道吗? I like to compare them or contrast them with the Agassiz descendants, who can’t wait to talk publicly about how to redeem not only their family legacy, but how to re … How do I say this? How to give back in light or atone for the sins of the father. Meaning Agassiz. And so they’re very much engaged. They’re very much hands-,on. And I contrast that with the Taylors who just don’t want to talk about it, are not comfortable talking publicly, and I respect that. And I just … People, I understand … I guess I can understand. I don’t know how I would feel if I were to learn something like that, and I would like to think that I would respond like the Agassiz children are and just take a strong stance against it, speak out about the harm and the wrong and offer whatever services I could to repair that, but I do understand and I do see many people who learn about these ugly, dark secrets in their history who just want to act as if it never happened.

Hrag Vartanian:泰勒家族有没有连接到哈佛之后时间的照片吗?


Hrag Vartanian:哇。我的意思是,这里有很多线程,我们可以拉,他们都似乎…什么是[…]这个故事的一部分,你希望你有一个答案你还没能破解吗?

塔玛拉尼尔:普遍认为,问题是如果我可以真正了解为什么哈佛回应的方式。最初为什么哈佛选择忽略我所有的请求说话,见面,在我的研究中,以纪念Renty的遗产,告诉他真实的故事,不是庆祝和提升路易斯•阿加西?因为他是恶棍的故事,他是坏人,当你告诉这个故事,告诉它在光促进Renty和迪丽娅和其他被奴役的人受害。他们会不会接受。他们从来没有,从来没有在所有…很快出现,这将是12年1月,他们从来没有拥抱。我看回我说,我从来没有要求哈佛。最初,我问他们要做的就是告诉我的爸爸Renty是谁的真实故事。如果你有庆祝阿加西,给Renty脚注说,“这是这个人是谁”,告诉他是谁的真相。哈佛所做的是他们会深入。他们开始出版图书和虚假的故事和错误猜测Renty是谁。 And originally, they challenged my lineage. But I have been just so extremely blessed, and I say that because good fortune has really shined on me in a sense that when you think about a story that began in the 1840s and ’50s with an enslaved man telling his children to never forget, and here I am in 2021 telling my children to never forget. And then when I go back and take the oral history as it was presented to me, it’s almost as if my mother was reading from a manuscript. Everything that she said lined up with every official document that I encountered. It’s almost if she had written it herself. And so that’s how accurate our oral history is with names and dates and places. And my mom, she would say to us, “Always remember we’re Taylors, not Thompsons.” My mom knew that when her grandfather Renty Taylor Thompson was … My mom’s oral history was that he was sold from the Taylors and became Thompson. But what it was, was he was gifted as a gift. He was given as a gift and his name changed not because of a slave trade, but as he was just given as a gift. He was bequeathed to Benjamin Franklin Taylor’s daughter.

Hrag Vartanian:哦,哇。

塔玛拉尼尔:但是如果我没有口述历史,我可能无法和巨大的鸿沟的桥梁,许多有色人种遭遇时跟踪他们的口述历史和当他们跟踪他们的祖先。真的很像在黑暗中穿越迷宫。你觉得你这…好像你是一个被收养的孩子试图找到一些证据你是谁,,什么也没有。所以,有时候真的是一种绝望,因为它是如此令人失望。但我有一个口述历史的好处,就好像我有路线图跟踪我从我这里目前爸爸Renty。所以,这是一个礼物,我已经在很多方面有天赋,不仅首先有强大的口述历史,但能够文档之前,我们谈论的是爸爸Renty达盖尔照相术被发现。我有一本书,写的我现在37岁的成年女儿谈论…她和我妈妈写这,她的第一本书在四年级。她在书中写道,这是“献给我的小妹妹,所以她总是知道她是从哪里来的,“但这是一个关于爸爸Renty的故事。写的所有记录。她四年级的读书报告,她和我妈妈说…我当时甚至不知道他们工作。 But when she brought it home, I saved it and I have it to this day, and that’s […] because of who this man was to us. And other things that … I had the presence of mind to record my mom talking about some of this before she died. So it’s like, I’m not trying to fit a story here to the daguerreotypes. I have proof that even before we knew they existed, this is who we were. This is who we celebrated. This is who we revered. And just like I said, good fortune has shined on me. The fact that just in even the legal aspects of the case, I think about how I ran into Attorney Crump, and while we’re standing taking a selfie, how I managed to talk to him and convince him to take a look at this case, and then how he puts an amazing dream team together with Michael Koskoff and the man who has defended Michael Jackson’s family, the Sandy Hook family, cases against Alex Jones, another giant in the legal … And they’re all working on this case and it is as important to them as it is to me. I’m just so, like I said, just blessed. The fact that it happened in the state of Massachusetts, a state that in 1782, had abolished slavery. It could have happened in a state where slavery had yet to be abolished. It wouldn’t have made our legal arguments strong. There’s just so much that had to fall in place from Renty to where I sit today to make this the kind of case that I believe will challenge not only the court system, but this nation to come to terms with its dark past and its failure to atone for slavery.

Hrag Vartanian:我太令人震惊了,哈佛大学,研究机构,对这个故事不感兴趣你必须告诉。


Hrag Vartanian:是的。我的意思是,对我来说这是令人震惊的。但是其他的一件事是令我惊讶的是在一些文学哈佛了,有很多排队在哈佛大学的学者,我想知道为什么你认为,或者你认为学者的责任是这样一个故事吗?

塔玛拉尼尔:哈佛认为,他们的道德管理这些图像,达盖尔照相术。我可以说,他们的行为已经不是道德。所以当你是一个超级学术机构,作为哈佛,有义务保护真理,完整性和道德和伦理管理。所以这种情况下暴露他们的失败。我的意思是,他们去年出版了一本书,去年10月,让一个错误的叙述这些奴役的人是谁。他们知道。我们提交了投诉之前一年半。他们知道Renty是谁。当我说我已经有人们在我的指尖,在我的路径和信息两个帮助我的人明确研究针的事情,一个人是一个绅士,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的家谱。和一个人明确表示,我满足,远远超过任何法律标准来证明亲属关系,和她还告诉记者,我说我是谁,当我说我是Renty的玄孙女,都是一样的女人,米歇尔·奥巴马的家谱。 And so I have heard from historians who have done work in Germany, in Switzerland, and so everyone, historians, who look at this with a non-biased eye, all say that this is an amazing missing link to history. This is an amazing find. And Harvard, the keeper of the images, is silent or in denial. And I never understood why.

Hrag Vartanian:这太疯狂了。现在我想了解一下,因为图像变得流行和被用于很多艺术品和其他项目,我很好奇你的感觉当你看到所使用的图像,或者家庭的讨论。

塔玛拉尼尔:是的。和我们,我们真的摔跤。和我坐在我的女孩现在年轻的女士们在他们自己的权利。我们谈论,比Renty,迪莉娅和困扰我看到她利用。只是一个令人难以忘怀的目光有迪莉娅,萦绕在我的核心。在迪莉娅的眼睛,我觉得当我看到她住生活的创伤,我想那一刻。,当然,我知道有许多痛苦的时刻为奴役女性,但当我想到那一刻,她是被迫在她父亲面前脱衣服,相反,正如我刚才说过的,哈佛,唯一的人是不知道下午的路易斯•阿加西,因为他认为他是处理他预计什么或者他觉得黑人自卑。但这些都是受过教育的人,至少我知道Renty和迪莉娅,他们知道到底发生了什么。我肯定。所以他可能是唯一一个不知道。 But again, being forced into that kind of relationship with your father, what impact does that have on that familiar relationship, that father and daughter relationship? And so I hurt for Delia for that reason and I always felt like her exploitation and the other young woman who … It was far worse than the men because of their young, tender age and what they were forced to do, and again, about the destruction of the Black family and the breaking down of relationships. And so I think about re-victimization when the image is shown, but there’s also a part of me that believes that if you don’t see the extent of the harm, you can’t measure or have an understanding for the level of healing that is needed or the need for healing is needed. And I say that … When we’ve had these conversations with other reporters, I talk about Emmett Till and I often say that I firmly believe that it Emmett Till had a closed casket, the world would never know his name today. And I know how much for that mother looking at her child in his condition in that casket, but she rose above that and wanted the world to know how much she was hurting, and the only way to know that is to see his face. And I also … I’m a retired probation officer. I’ve worked in the courts. I’ve written pre-sentence investigations where you have to make a recommendation based on what the evidence and the crime is and you have to look at crime scene photos in order to make that kind of assessment, just as jurors have to view the ugliness of what happened in order to render a proper decision. So I struggle with it because if you were to ask Delia, she would say, “I’d want clothes on.” If you would ask some of the enslaved men, they would say, “I don’t want to be viewed that way.” But I think that to understand the impact of slavery and the inhumanity of it, I think rises above that to where it forces us to have the discussion and forces us to look, if that makes sense.

Hrag Vartanian:是的,绝对。我的意思是,你已经和你的时间,所以慷慨的泰米。我只有最后一个问题,那就是,如果你想一下的想法,假设这些照片返回给你,你的家人。你曾经想象,感觉还是这将意味着什么?我还想把这个一起听说最近发生了一点点,如果你能谈谈,上下文,因为这是一个有哈佛听你的机会。所以你能告诉一下这些感觉怎么样?因为我知道这都是复杂的。我的意思是,这是一个12年奥德赛,坦率地说,希望它会很快结束,但如果你可以给我们一点见解。

塔玛拉尼尔:是的。好吧,我想我可以诚实地说,这是第一次我觉得第一次听到,我们已经能够完整地提出一个论点,它被认真考虑。我们说的是,在法学的过程中或在我们的,不仅是我们的法律,我们的公民,在民事诉讼中,有这个想法,如果你有做错事情的时候,如果你触犯法律,如果有侵权行为,你是做坏事的人,你是不允许从你做错事的成果中获益。所以这只是常见的法学。这只是基本的法律,你不奖励那些做坏事的人与他们的犯罪或违法行为的成果或其侵权行为。所以在我们的案例中是非常复杂的,它真的很简单,当哈佛委托这些图像,当他们委托达盖尔照相术,他们违反了联邦法律,麻萨诸塞州的法律。这些达盖尔照相术是奴隶制的掠夺。马萨诸塞州不仅废除奴隶制,但接着说,奴隶,黑人有权寻求法律救济,黑人拥有财产的权利。哈佛所做的是错误的在很多层面上。然后,他们不仅享受水果的违法行为或不当行为或侵权行为,但现在他们获利将Renty书籍封面的图片,他们卖60美元。 And these books tell a false narrative as to who Renty is, and that’s easily proven and easily disputed. But because Harvard says it, people just assume it to be so, and no one questions Harvard because they’re Harvard. And so while it’s very complicated and legal because Harvard is arguing not that these daguerreotypes, which are something very similar to a small cell phone, it’s a small piece of glass, and that is what we’re fighting over, not the duplication of the images and the pictures, but it’s the actual daguerreotypes that we argue because Renty and Delia were violated, that because a crime was committed against them, because a tort was committed against them in the capturing of this daguerreotype property, that Renty and Delia have an interest in this property. And that because I, as their lineal descendant, which I can prove, not only have standing to bring to claim, but also have a right to generational inheritance. And so it raises all of these thorny issues. But the reality is I’m not that many generations removed from slavery. My mother was raised in the household with her enslaved ancestors. My mother grew up with people who had been born and lived as slaves. So slavery is not that far from me, though people would like to think it’s something that’s way off. No, it isn’t, and I can prove it. So I believe that Renty and Delia had a property interest in what was stolen from them, and I believe that because I am a lineal descendant, that I share that property interest. I believe because what Harvard did was illegal, they’re tortfeasors, and that tortfeasors can’t be rewarded with the fruit of their tort. So I think that while it’s very complicated, I think it’s very simple, if that makes sense.

Hrag Vartanian:绝对的。我认为我注意到的是你爸爸继续租的传统教育人们,因为我觉得你教育我们对其中的一些事情,我认为我们甚至不能想象,因为我认为…听起来将会是一个什么简单的财产问题实际上是多,复杂得多。


Hrag Vartanian:正确的。我的意思是,就像泰勒家族的椅子。


Hrag Vartanian:这就像,你没有这些达盖尔照相术。


Hrag Vartanian:这是正确的。泰米好,谢谢,你的时间和分享这个故事,让我们真正了解深深地交织在一起,这是在你的家人和一代又一代的家庭有多重要,你为什么继续战斗。谢谢你这么多。


Hrag Vartanian:我Hrag Vartanian, Hyperallergic的联合创始人兼首席编辑。谢谢你的倾听。



Hrag Vartanian

Hrag Vartanian Hyperallergic主编兼联合创始人。你可以在@hragv跟随他。