

  1. 谢谢你,史蒂文。你的工作总是很周到,引发。我们不仅能算出来,但是我们必须的。

  2. 是的。我们必须算出来。我是一个猎人,枪支所有者支持更严格的枪支管制和禁止大多数枪支的所有权。没有平民需要枪支为战争而设计的。


  3. 史蒂夫,你为什么是这样一个笨蛋发牢骚吗?你的邻居的枪支在佛罗里达的悲剧无关。你以为你是完成什么?是的,我们可以这其实只有我们一贯执行枪支法律(和我们有超过你知道)坚称,联邦调查局和当地法律部门更有效地回应,聪明和有责任地多个报告关于一个特定的人,特定的意图你能不看到失败的喜欢吗?坦率地说,史蒂夫,我怀疑你的智慧和你的真诚。你告诉我公园是吗?真的吗?为什么不是桑迪?为什么不科罗拉多影院枪击案呢?有几个大学枪击事件在最近年里是你,史蒂夫? Obviously those events were within your comfort zone, nothing to get upset about, because Parkland and only Parkland put you over the edge. And now your response is to attack your law-abiding neighbors? Have you had the courage to tell your neighbors face to face that you claim they’re part of the problem? Or are you just whining piously on Hyperallergic, waving your “sensitivity” like a flag of ineffectuality? Face it. Steve: YOU are part of the problem. You whine. You have no ideas. You offer no solutions. You know no facts. You do nothing. Or do you think your watercolors are enough?
